We know that the quality of many products depends on mant factors. For example, the usefulness of wedge wire screens is determined always by such things as the kind and the level of working of a proper metal, the strength of joints of particular parts and the proper shape and dimensions of this element. It is extremally important that products always came up with all expectations of the customers.
We provide the highest level of convenience and safety, selling our products
The company Perfopolis one of the largest producers and sellers of wedge wire screens in Poland. Our good position on the land and european market we reached thanks to the accuracy, high quality of our products and the cheap price of them. We want always that our products came up with all expectations of firms from several areas of the industry and logistics. Many years of the buisness activity caused that we became the reliable and trustworthy partner for many clients. Join them and get to know more about our products in out catalogue.